The outdoor archery leagues begin this week, and up first is the Field and Hunter round on Thursday. The field and hunter rounds will see shots as short as 20 feet, and as long as 80 yards. However, we have modified the format a bit to get more people out. For those competitive shooters, we have the normal rounds. For the average hunter, they can choose to shoot the blue markers with a max distance of 50 yards. For the recurve, or traditional shooters, we have the black markers with a max distance of 30 yards.
This round features 14 targets, with 4 arrows shot at each target for a total of 56 arrows. There is no charge for members to shoot the league, while non-members will pay only $5.00. Please leave your payment in the locking drop box located next to target #1. The gate will be open at 5:00 pm, and you can start shooting as late as 7:00 pm. A round with two shooters will take about 1.5 hours.
If you are interested in learning how the round is shot, feel free to stop out and shoot a round with archery director Duane Turner at 6:00 pm. He will teach you the basics of the round, and the different options for our league. This is a non competitive league, as no awards will be issued.
Score cards are in the mail box at target #1, just be sure to use the blue cards with 14 lines for scoring. Scoring is 5, 4, and 3. The field round will be shot one week, with white and black targets from the white stakes. The hunter round is shot on the alternate weeks using the black target face from the red blocks.

For more information, please visit the following:
Field Archery 101 – The Field Round
Field Archery 101 – The Hunter Round