The Club is now accepting new and renewal applications for 2025!
Becoming a member of our club allows you a safe environment to practice the shooting sports.
You can come out any day of the week, open the gates, go inside and shoot.
You can come to any board meeting to apply for membership or contact Michelle. Her info is below.
We have both male and female members.
For information and/or an application form, contact:
Michele Schimberg
[email protected]
Please download and print the New Membership Application, and Waiver below, and bring them to the next board meeting. If you are renewing your membership by mail, download the Membership Renewal form, fill it out, and mail it to the club with your payment. Make checks payable to “LGRSC”
Looking Glass River Sportsman Club
8855 Woodbury Road
Laingsburg, MI 48848